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Composite VS Porcelain

If you are looking for a way to fix various cosmetic issues with your smile, then you may be considering veneers. One of the most significant choices you might need to make is deciding between composite vs. porcelain veneers. Which one is better?We prefer not to think of it in absolute terms of better or worse. Both composite and porcelain veneers can help you get the smile you want. Each has its own set of pros and cons. The question really isn’t which is better but which one fits your needs. This includes the issue you want the veneers to fix, your budget, your age, and where the veneers will be placed in your mouth.​

What Are The Advantages Of Composite Veneers?

​One of the clearest advantages to composite veneers is their affordability. Composite veneers generally cost less than porcelain veneers. This difference in cost can be especially meaningful, because this type of cosmetic procedure is not usually covered by insurance.Another benefit of composite veneers is that they can generally be placed in one day, whereas porcelain veneers require two to three visits. Unlike porcelain veneers, which are made in a lab, direct composite veneers are sculpted directly on your teeth. Your specialist will apply resin to your tooth or teeth and then shape and sculpt it to the proper size. The resin is then hardened with a high-intensity light, and then polished to create a natural appearance.

​What Are The Advantages Of Porcelain Veneers?

After aesthetics, durability is arguably the biggest advantage to having porcelain veneers placed instead of composite veneers. Porcelain is much stronger than resin, and if properly cared for, can last more than 20 years, compared to composite veneers which generally need to be replaced every five to ten years. In this regard, you may be paying more for porcelain veneers, but they will also last you twice as long.In addition to their longevity, many people prefer the natural appearance of porcelain to composite veneers. Porcelain veneers are also much more stain and chip resistant, unlike composite veneers which are more porous and susceptible to staining or chipping. As such, having porcelain veneers placed will mean you will not have to make major adjustments to your diet.

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